Engagement Manager's Toolkit #2: Engagement

Congratulations! You have successfully enrolled your Learners into the Game Play!

Now it's time to keep them Engaged...

Similar to Engagement Manager's Tookit #1: Enrollment, below we have the documents and resources help keep the role light and stress-free! 

If you don't see something you need or have a suggestion on how to make the toolkit better, please contact your Ringorang Administrator!

who makes the ideal engagement manager?

Engagement Managers have an important job to do....

It's the role of the Engagement Manager to ensure that players get engaged and stay engaged.

What are great Engagement Managers made of?

EMs are communicators.  Sometimes they are encouraging, like a cheerleader.  Sometimes they are Accountability Partners.  The Program cannot be successful without the EM.  

This person should be unafraid to communicate with the players and unstoppable in making sure they engage!  For example, if the EM is limited in the number of emails he/she is allowed to send to players, then the EM uses another channel:  chat, text, in person, phone, etc.

What are the EM's tasks?

The EM knows that the more the Players engage, the greater the chances that the Program will be successful.  The EM sets up prizes and fulfills them.  The EM creates messaging in the Ringorang system to periodically remind the Players how to play and win.  The EM engages anyone who is disengaged and reminds them of the value of engaging.   

An excerpt from the full Engagement Manager doc outlining the role and the responsibilities expected of an EM. To see the full document, follow this link to the Engagement Manager Toolkit


The best level of Engagement is the one that thoroughly drives your Results! Ringorang's solution gives you the control to drive Engagement manually and guess what? You're in charge of that! 

If participation is mandatory:

The Engagement Management process is straightforward!  Remind everyone that it's mandatory.

If participation is non-mandatory:

You may need to take a number of different approaches with those you invite! Including multiple communications by email, chat, calls, meetings and other forms of announcement or promotion, including prizes, social competition, performance targets, and other incentives.

Engagement PRACTICES

Below are a few examples of Engagement Practices...

Replaying Q's

In this video, Robert coaches Drew on how to be an effective Engagement Manager!

 obstacles to engagement

and how to ensure they won't affect you...



Objections, and 'overcoming' them, is so 20th Century.  When we ask a client to take on something new, they'll have a natural resistance to the request. There's no need to be offended or defensive!

The reality is we should be thanking the Client when they 'Object' to our asks because they're actually providing insight to the REAL reason why they won't do what we're requesting of them.

That's why we don't call them 'Objections'. We know it's really just an obstacle that needs a slight shift in perspective to change quickly, often instantly!


Stakeholders and Players alike will resist embracing something new for 3 primary reasons: 

  • No time 
  • Not relevant  
  • Not my way

When you encounter these Obstacles, there's a strong urge to sympathize, rather than empathize, with the individual. So, what's the difference?

SYMPATHY is the ability to feel pity and sorrow for other's misfortunes. When we sympathize with someone's excuse, we are buying in to their story and giving it credence. Ultimately, sympathizing makes you part of the problem.

EMPATHY is a skill that allows us to understand and share another person's feelings. When you empathize with a Client, you let them know they have an ally and the solutions you're providing will actually help them move past their obstacles!